What Are the Advantages of Having Health Insurance?

What Are the Advantages of Having Health Insurance?

With the increase in injuries, illnesses, and accidents, the need for health insurance plans has increased over 80. A health insurance policy will provide financial protection in the event of medical emergencies. Every person is prone to risk and uncertainties in...
What You Should Know About Critical Care Insurance

What You Should Know About Critical Care Insurance

We all say, “It will never happen to me,” but the numbers indicate that a lot of Canadians will get afflicted by a severe disease at some point in their lives: Forty-six percent of US adults can believe in suffering from hypertension1.Around 2000 people...
The importance of a Child Insurance Plan

The importance of a Child Insurance Plan

An insurance policy for a child might not seem wise because there is no financial value. There is no obligation to cover the child. There is a misperception that a child’s life is to be protected. In reality, in the child’s plan, the parent has the one who...