However, employees don’t have to be a part of the coverage, and invariably some will choose to decline it. When an employee refuses health insurance coverage offered by the employer, the implications for a company are contingent upon the kind of health insurance and what employees decide to do instead.

Plan Coverage Requirements

Insurance must be affordable, meaning the number of employee contributions gets restricted to 9.5% or less of the household’s income. The plans should provide to at minimum 95% of all full-time workers. Employers with programs that meet the requirements are not penalized even if employees refuse health insurance plans.

What Are the Situations That Do Not Trigger Penalties?

Whatever your plan’s type, specific scenarios won’t be a reason to impose penalties. You won’t be penalized if your employees enroll in spouses’ plans. Also, it’s not a problem for employees eligible for Medicare. They decide to reject the employer-sponsored coverage in favor of Medicare. You may have agreed to provide insurance benefits to employees who work part-time and full-time workers. There isn’t a penalty for part-time employees to decline the coverage.

Suppose your policy is reasonable and complies with the minimum essential coverage requirements. In that case, you won’t be penalized should your employees opt not to take your insurance and purchase insurance on the market. Suppose they’ve got provided with low-cost, minimum essential coverage. In that case, they won’t be eligible for government subsidies. However, they could buy insurance through the market to satisfy their needs. If insurance is available to at least 95% of your full-time workers, you won’t be penalized if some employees choose not to opt-out.

What Causes a Company to Enact a Penalty?

The biggest problem is if your business does not provide essential coverage. Full-time employees get government subsidies when they apply for health insurance coverage in the federal or state market. Employers offering all full-time workers high-quality, affordable insurance should rest easy knowing they won’t be penalized if employees decide not to sign up for the health insurance plan.

The experts at Ottawa Life Insurance can help you through the complexity of the products and services. They can work with you to create the optimal benefits package for your unique need. Call us at (613) 454-1424 or email us at for further information.