Heart disease, cancer, and stroke are just a few of the most prevalent illnesses and disorders covered by critical illness insurance for plan participants and their families in Ottawa.

What’s Critical Illness Insurance?

Critical Illness Insurance provides financial aid upon diagnosing a condition that is covered. It comes by way of an all-in-one lump-sum payment, which is tax-free. This money can use for anything the beneficiary is deemed appropriate, from medicines and hospital costs to the number of debts.

This financial aid lets the person with a severe illness focus on recovery and not get focused on the financial strains that a severe diagnosis may cause.

What Gets Covered Under Critical Illness Insurance?

Cancer is the leading cause of death. About one-in-two people will have cancer diagnosed during their lives. Alongside cancer, the incidences of stroke and heart disease are rising, which indicates an increasing possibility of an illness that could affect your work.

By purchasing Critical Illness Insurance, you can safeguard your financial security from the effects of serious diseases, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Heart Attack
  • Kidney Failure
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Paralysis
  • Stroke

More than ever, the employees are focusing on the benefits plan offered by their employers as a crucial component of their overall compensation package.

The specific illnesses covered by the benefits may differ according to the Insurer and product. Read the leaflet you receive to determine the coverage to which you are entitled.

A severe illness can alter your financial position and also your lifestyle. Ottawa Life Insurance helps you with both your personal and business insurance needs. Call us at (613) 454-1424 or email us at info@ottawa-lifeinsurance.ca for further information.