Life insurance is essential for any person with dependents; however, it’s not affordable. However, there are ways to ensure your family’s financial future without draining your bank account.

A variety of personal factors affect the price that life insurance can incur. For example, even though you can control the medical history of your family members but you can still maintain an active lifestyle to reduce the cost of life insurance. Also, purchasing insurance early in life can significantly reduce your life insurance.

Keep reading to discover what you could do to cut the cost of life insurance.

  • Purchase Life Insurance When You’re Young
  • Find the right Life Insurance Product
  • Provide a Proven Case If There are medical issues
  • Compare Prices
  • Conclusion

Purchase Life Insurance When You’re Young

The date you were born is the most significant factor that affects the price of your insurance. It means you’ll pay a lower cost to cover your life. The older you are, the farther away from death, as determined by the typical life expectancy.

Both permanent and term insurance provide the same premiums. The cost gets fixed at the same price throughout the contract term. But, because the term life insurance policy comes with an expiration date, you’ll need to renew it regularly to keep the coverage. With each renewal, you’ll be able to see an increase based on your age.

Don’t Smoke

If there’s one thing that life insurance companies do not prefer, it’s premature death. That means they’ll have to pay before they can collect additional premiums.

There are very few factors that can increase the likelihood of dying early, like smoking cigarettes. Smokers die ten years earlier on average than non-smokers. Insurance companies will charge more for those at risk of premature death.

Therefore, it’s not surprising that smokers need to pay more to cover their health. How much? Smokers pay between two and five times more in life insurance than non-smokers.

If you’re a smoker, then all isn’t lost.

Quit smoking, and you’ll enjoy huge savings on your life insurance. You will likely be eligible for a lower premium one year after stopping smoking, though the new rate won’t be less than the non-smoker rate. It is necessary to remain a non-smoker for up to three years.

Stay Healthy

Healthy people tend to be longer-lived than those suffering from health conditions like heart disease or diabetes. Suppose you live an active lifestyle and don’t suffer from severe or chronic illnesses. In that case, you can anticipate paying less for insurance.

Find the Right Life Insurance Product

Life insurance requirements aren’t universally applicable. When you are deciding to sign for a policy, take a look at the following three questions:

  • Why should you have life insurance?
  • What amount of coverage do you require?
  • How much do you have the money to purchase life insurance?

Life insurance products are available in two varieties: temporary life and permanent.

Term life insurance is an excellent alternative for consumers looking for affordable insurance because it is less expensive. Life insurance for the Term covers you for a short period. It is a lot cheaper than permanent life insurance. It can be the best option for you if your financial goals have a deadline. For example, suppose you need insurance until your children graduate from college. If the mortgage gets paid off or you reach the old age of retirement, you might prefer to purchase short-term life insurance.

Just as the name implies, the permanent life insurance policy protects you for the entire duration of your life. Many life insurance policies increase the value of cash and services to be an investment instrument.

Because the insurance policy lasts throughout your life and you can afford it, it’s better to have financial requirements that don’t have a date for its expiration. As an example, you may be interested in permanent life insurance if you wish to leave a legacy for your children. It may be a smart option for those who have dependents and plan to live a long time or want to pay their final expenses. Additionally, people with a high net worth searching for the best life insurance savings plan might also benefit from purchasing a permanent insurance policy.

Make a Strong Case If You Are Suffering from Medical Problems

Insurers utilize a method called underwriting to assess insurance eligibility. The process of underwriting is constantly evolving because of improvements in data collection and advances in medical technology. Specific ailments that led to the denial of insurance in the past could today get covered.

For instance, rather than refusing insurance to someone who suffered a heart attack, insurers can now consider other information, such as:

  • Have you suffered any heart problems?
  • How well in addressing risks that can control, such as smoking or physical inactivity? The overweight and obesity?
  • Are your cholesterol and blood pressure levels under control?

A life insurance company will examine the heart patient who is active and doesn’t smoke more than those who continue smoking cigarettes after suffering an attack on the heart.

Every insurer has its underwriting guidelines. Certain insurers are more accommodating than others concerning specific circumstances. So you should shop around to find the most affordable rate for you if you have an illness that requires medical attention.

Compare Prices

The best method for saving money when purchasing life insurance is to compare. The best insurance provider is not the most cost-effective option for all. Some might offer young applicants the best deal, while other providers may be more affordable for those with medical conditions.

Obtaining quotes from different insurance providers and comparing them is one approach to ensure that you get the most value for your money. Make your choices based on mailers or commercials on television.

Request a Rate Assessment If your health improves

If you get covered by life insurance might think that your premium gets set. However, that’s not the truth. Your premium may decrease under certain circumstances.

Re-rating your health is recommended if you feel your health has significantly improved since buying the insurance. However, getting a re-rated rating isn’t a guarantee. It is possible to ask to get re-evaluated. But, there’s nothing wrong in asking since the insurer cannot increase the rates if it discovers anything new.

If you want to have a reevaluation, you’ll be required to undergo an exam for medical reasons. If the insurance company determines that you’re no longer risky to insure, they will decrease your premium.

What is the basis for an application for a reevaluation to your life insurance company? Here are some examples:

  • You suffered from a medical problem that was treated or substantially improved
  • You’ve quit smoking
  • You’ve shed substantial weight, and you can prove you’re keeping it off


The cost is the primary reason people have for not purchase life insurance. It shouldn’t be. Life insurance, specifically term life, can be less expensive than people think. You can also save money by obtaining your policy early in life, pursuing the proper lifestyle, stopping smoking, and comparing shopping for rates. If your life insurance is already in place, ask for a renewal when your health has significantly improved since purchasing the policy.

Ottawa Life Insurance team is willing to assist you with any questions. Call regarding insurance today at (613) 454-1424 and email us at