Health Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance
A serious illness will affect your financial status as well as your lifestyle.? Cancer and heart attacks are still one of the top conditions that can create a financial burden for you or your family.?
Critical illness insurance is a policy that can help ease the financial strains through the payment of a tax-free lump sum.? Covered conditions are:
Heart attack
Coronary artery bypass surgery
Acquired brain injury
Aortic surgery
Aplastic anemia
Bacterial meningitis
Benign brain tumor
Dementia, including Alzheimer Disease
Heart valve replacement surgery
Kidney failure
Loss of independence
Loss of limbs
Loss of speech
Major organ failure
Major organ transplant
Motor neuron disease
Multiple sclerosis
Occupational HIV
Parkinson’s Disease
Severe burns
Features and Major Benefits
There are a number of specifics about this coverage:
Return of premium at death
If you have not made any claims for critical illness before you pass away, the premium will be paid to your beneficiary or estate.
If you are diagnosed with one of the conditions listed above, you may be unable to work, either temporarily or permanently.? In that event the benefits from this policy can be used to cover medical bills or to replace the income.? In addition, if you have disability coverage, the payment from this policy can be used to cover the balance between your normal income and your benefit amount.
Return of premium at maturity
If you have not filed any claim for critical illness and the policy has expired, the premium will be returned to you.
Health care
With the financial freedom of this policy, you can implement actions to aid in rehabilitation like a home nurse, specialists, re-equipping your home, etc.