Any financial strategy should include life insurance. One option that you could consider is full life insurance. This insurance product provides financial protection for your loved ones. It simultaneously helps you build the wealth you can draw upon whenever you require it.

How Does It Work

Whole Life insurance is a long-term kind that is a form of life insurance. It means that coverage will be ongoing for the rest of your life. If you pay your premiums, your beneficiary will be able to receive the amount of the benefit when you die. Premiums for life insurance policies will get guaranteed for your life. That is to say, they remain constant throughout the period you have the plan in force. When it comes to purchasing insurance, keep in mind that the younger you are, the less expensive it is.

Guarding Your Family

In your working years, your death benefit could help your family protect themselves by reimbursing the income you earn. You can leave a tax-free legacy to people who care about your favorite charity once you retire to pay for your children’s education or future insurance needs. The benefit can also use to pay for funeral costs and taxes.

You can also purchase a whole life insurance policy for your grandchild or child as they grow up.

  • It safeguards their insurance regardless of what happens to their health or work choices in the future.
  • The rates are significantly lower, and your child or grandchild could have the life insurance protection that gets paid off in less than 20 years.
  • The cash value could be an investment that they can use to cover the cost of their education in the future.

Cash Values

Whole life insurance can also be an opportunity to save money for the future. The money you pay in premiums gets invested. The money it earns is an amount of cash for the policy that it can access at any time. It can get used in various ways, including to boost your retirement income or to pay for costs.

Your Advisor

Buying a life insurance policy is an entirely personal decision. Discuss with the Ottawa Life Insurance advisor and decide what is best for your family and you. Call regarding insurance today at (613) 454-1424 and email us at