It is not a popular choice to pay premiums for life insurance on a term basis or any other type of insurance. Everyone wants to receive something valuable in exchange for the hard-earned cash. Certain types of insurance demonstrate their worth more frequently. For instance, think of medical insurance. However, life insurance has only one method to recognize its value and gain benefits.

As we all don’t wish to leave our beloved ones without protection, we’ll be required to purchase life insurance sometime. When the time arrives, you’ll have to choose which method to pay for your Life insurance plan. You can save money if you make the right decision. It is how you can do it.

Methods to Pay Life Insurance Premiums

You must select the “premium option” you desire when requesting a life insurance policy. “Premium” means, in this context, the insurance policy’s price. Insurance companies often hesitate to use complicated terms, while simpler ones can do well. “Mode” is simply the term used to describe “mode” and refers to the number of premiums paid. The options are annual, quarterly, semi-annual, and monthly.

The least expensive mode of payment is the annual one, while the most costly is quarterly. The reason is that life insurance companies will add an extra charge on top of the premium to cover the administrative expenses related to processing and billing. The more often they need to issue you with an invoice every year, the more it’s likely to cost you.

You may be wondering why the monthly payment isn’t the most costly payment method. It’s because the monthly payment method is unique in that almost all life insurance businesses require monthly payments to get made as automatic drafts from a bank account. They do not charge directly for the month-to-month cost. For many, it is acceptable and is often preferable. However, some people do not appreciate electronic funds transfers to their bank accounts. If this is a problem, you might prefer an alternative payment method.

The Types of Premium Payment

Life insurance is in the dark ages of various areas. One of them is acceptable payment options.

Credit cards get generally considered to be a problem in this particular business. But, some companies allow the initial premium only. You’re not likely to earn substantial reward points by doing this. However, it could be an effective method to get your insurance coverage up and running promptly, which is why most people choose to do so.

If you want to pay regular premiums, You have two options for payment: 1) the paper check or 2) electronically transferred funds (EFT). Creating an EFT for any payment method you prefer is standard and mandatory for each month.

Indeed, choosing your preferred payment method isn’t an important decision when applying for term insurance. If you want to deal with it once a year or if you want to save money wherever you can go with an annual. If you’d prefer not to be aware of it or handle it for the entire year, a yearly draft could be the best option.

Policy Issue

The insurance company you have chosen will “issue” the new policy. It may sound formal, but it means they will print the policy, put it all in a beautiful folder, and send it to us at our offices.

We’ll process the policy to determine what information is required from you to set the policy in place. These items are known as “delivery specifications.” When we’ve put the required list, we’ll forward the list to you, along with the policy and an envelope for return.

It’s crucial to send these items back to us before the deadline listed at the top of the list. If you hold off all the time, then you could need to begin all over again! Coverage won’t start until we have everything from you. Also, approvals do expire.

You might be able to see any or all of these delivery requirements when you receive your policy via mail:

  • The Initial Payment or Premium. It is typically paid by electronic draft, check, and credit cards.
  • EFT and Voided Cheque. It is required when you pay monthly.
  • Delivery Receipt. This form declares that you have received your insurance.
  • Amendment. It gets often used to change information. It can use to indicate that there has been a change since you submitted your application.
  • Good Health Declaration. Suppose your application gets underwritten longer than the expected time. In that case, you may have to sign a statement stating your health isn’t affected since the time you applied.

Making Payments for Your Insurance

Payment is usually one of the requirements for delivery required to get your policy into effect. It’s crucial to submit this information to us as quickly as possible. Even if you mail everything else, it won’t be covered until we have received your payment.

If you pay annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, you can pay your premium electronically or by check from a savings account. If you pay monthly electronic drafts are mandatory by all life insurance companies. Many companies will allow you to pay for your first premium using a credit card.

It’s the Perfect Time for Some Peace of Mind

We’ll review your requirements for delivery and then forward them to the insurer of your life. We’ll let you know that they’ve received them and that your insurance protection is in place. The date you can take effect of your insurance coverage, or “policy date,” is listed within the insurance policy. Certain companies may even advance the date they issue the procedure until they receive your check.

Ottawa Life Insurance; we provide health, life, and group insurance for businesses and individuals in Ottawa. For further information, contact us at (613) 454-1424 or email us at