It is true to state that money is the same as fuel when managing our day-to-day lives. It becomes tough to handle your expenses daily if you do not earn. Simply managing costs is not enough; it is equally crucial to managing your income effectively. We must begin planning and investing now to ensure finances in the future. When we think about our future, we tend to ignore the potential breaks that could get taken due to chronic or temporary disability issues that could affect our savings or income for a short time or a long time. It is crucial to think about these minor but crucial financial breaks when planning your investment strategies. Insurance policies can aid in these conditions, known under Disability Insurance. These plans provide financial aid in the amount of your net income in the event you cannot work due to a temporary or permanent impairment.

Employer’s insurance is limited in terms of size and duration. However, more get needed if you can work for a longer time. Individuals are at a higher risk of suffering severe injuries and being in a jobless state for longer than 90 days. It is essential to ensure the potential for unemployment is the risk that disability gets insured under disability insurance.

Our income is our wealth, and disability insurance can help us ensure that. Disability insurance provides an annual benefit if you cannot make a living and suffer a loss of income due to an injury or illness.

The two categories of disability that get covered by the insurance are:

Short-Term Disability Insurance: This kind of insurance will provide you with the protection you need for 120 days. Short-term disability gets typically offered by your employer and is an employee benefit. If you’d like, you could purchase it separately also.

Long-Term Disability Insurance😕 It is a type of insurance that gives coverage beginning from a specific waiting period or after short-term disability insurance up to the time you reach the age of 65. Your employer may offer it to you, as it is a group insurance policy, or you may buy it on your own.

When you purchase any disability insurance, it’s crucial to know in the policy precisely what gets covered under the term disability and the conditions covered under the policy. In addition, it is essential to know the length of time you’ll receive. It is necessary to know the estimated amount of your monthly expenditure, which includes any installments on loans or debit or credit card transactions. The amount per month you’re receiving from the insurance needs to be sufficient to cover your monthly expenses. It is among the most important things to consider when buying disability insurance. Sometimes, employers will offer short-term or long-term coverage. They get referred to as group insurance. If the amount provided under the policy is insufficient to cover your monthly expenses, you will need to purchase insurance. The employer’s insurance will generally cover specific kinds of work and the workers involved in these jobs. It’s only valid during work hours, and workers’ indemnity will get paid when an injury occurs. The benefits will be granted for 15 weeks only and not after that. If you require coverage beyond this, you must buy disability insurance.

How Is Disability Insurance Different?

  • It offers monthly compensation to supplement your monthly income.
  • The amount you earn is equivalent to 65-80 percent of your annual income in monthly installments.
  • It is possible to get insurance even if you suffer from medical problems.
  • It can cover shorter and longer periods based on the plan you choose
  • Other insurance plans pay for the costs of medical expenses that are related to a critical injury or illness.
  • Long-term disability insurance will also cover the cost of additional care you’ll require when you become dependent.
  • You won’t be financially dependent on anyone if you cannot work due to disabilities.
  • Mental peace and stability, even after losing regular income.

There are many factors you must consider before deciding to purchase insurance. It is essential to discuss all available options for insurance based on your needs. It is possible to seek the help of financial or insurance advisors to gain more insight into the most critical aspects of short-term and longer-term disability coverage in Ottawa. They can help you with selecting the appropriate protection and duration you need to choose based on your financial objectives.

Ottawa Life Insurance is one of the top financial service providers. We operate to transform our clients’ financial goals into reality. We have a knowledgeable team of financial professionals who will help you through the process and assist you in making sound choices while keeping in mind your goals and financial budget. We first get to know our clients’ requirements and offer customized financial solutions. The disability insurance provided by the firm assists in getting coverage based on your needs.

Contact Ottawa Life Insurance at (613) 454-1424 or email us at for further information.